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Make your Donation and Contribute to HVA!

Your gift moves us closer to our mission to inspire and mentor our students to excel in all Christ calls them to do. HVA is always looking to improve campus life and student opportunities in a number of areas.


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For every dollar you give, a generous donor will add $2, making your donations go the extra mile.

Transportation Matching Program

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The administration building is getting a much-needed roof replacement, glory be to God for all the blessings He has poured on our campus or praise God for all the warm blessings this summer!

Roof Renewal

How To Help

Ways you can give to HVA


  • Give Online using this page

  • Credit Card by phone-Contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 301.739.8480, ext. 222

  • Check/Money Order – made out to Highland View Academy and sent by mail

  • Cash – bring to Highland View Academy

Give to HVA today.


Thank You for
Your Support!

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