Students in grades nine through twelve who express and demonstrate a sincere desire for Christian education, a willingness to cooperate with the academy policies, and the religious, social, and cultural atmosphere are welcome.

Financial Information
We offer an online payment program through FACTS to simplify the payment process for our students and their families.
Payment Plan Set-Up
FACTS Management is the nation’s leading tuition payment plan provider for private and faith-based schools, serving schools nationwide—including HVA.
Click here to create your FACTS account for your monthly payment plan.
Tuition Aid Assessment
FACTS allows families to budget their tuition, making private school much more accessible and affordable. The process is simple, convenient, and secure.
Click here to learn more information about FACTS.
Southern New England Scholarships
The Southern New England Conference has made provision to grant student aid funds to worthy students attending SNEC Elementary Schools, Greater Boston Academy, South Lancaster Academy and other SDA Conference Operated Boarding Academies who might otherwise be deprived of a Christian education. The application must be submitted to SNEC’s Department of Education each fall (due October 31st).