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At HVA, we have a robust program for our students to thrive academically. HVA is nationally accredited, with a diverse academic program, including our STEM, humanities, and religion departments. All curriculum is based on biblical principles and focuses on faith-based learning.


Academic Program

All Highland View Academy diplomas are identical in appearance. However, we have outlined different programs, based on educational goals. A student who follows the college preparatory or college preparatory with honors program will be prepared for acceptance to a four-year college. A student who follows the general program may need to take placement tests or complete pre-admission courses before being admitted to college or junior college. 

For a complete list of course offerings and their descriptions, please check out our student handbook.

Graduation Requirements

HVA student can graduate with one of these three diplomas based on their educational goals;  the college preparatory or college preparatory with honors program will be prepared for acceptance to a four-year college. A student who follows the general program may need to take placement tests or complete pre-admission courses before being admitted to college or junior college.



Students eligible to receive any diploma or certificate from HVA must be currently enrolled. 


Financial Clearance

Before participating in graduation weekend exercises, or receiving a diploma, senior student accounts must be paid in full.



Normally four years of High
School attendance is required.

Graduates Holding Diplomas

Student Status

Students who have withdrawn (voluntarily or otherwise)
are not eligible to complete work in absentia or to graduate.

Graduation Caps


Meet all state and school
requirements of credits.

Graduating Students

Completed Requirements

Students must completely meet graduation requirements prior to graduation to be eligible to participate in any graduation activities. 


Community Service

The State of Maryland requires community service hours. Highland View Academy places high value on service and provides some school-wide service activities. Each student is required to complete 15 hours of community service for each semester they attend HVA. Service hours will be tracked by the registrar's office and can be monitored via FACT SIS (RenWeb).

Community service is to be done for an individual or organization in the community – work on HVA’s campus does not count toward the community service requirement. Community service forms are available in the registrar's office and hours must be verified by a non-related adult. Hours can be completed during the school year, home leaves, vacations, and summers. It is strongly recommended that students meet this requirement in a timely manner and do not procrastinate. Service rendered in one academic year needs to be reported during that academic year. Students who fall behind may jeopardize their class status and the privileges involved, including senior class trip and graduation.

“No act of kindness,no matter how small,is ever wasted.”

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